Perek 1
A) Introduction (Lesson 1)
B) The Anatomy of Oppression (Lesson 2)
C) The Anatomy of Redemption: The Power of Individualism (Lesson 3)
D) Historical Background (Lesson 4)
E) Why Did the Israelites Have to Be Slaves? (Lesson 5)
Perek 2
A) Structure of Perakim 1-2 (Lesson 6)
B) Moshe’s Birth (Lesson 7)
C) Confronting Injustice (Lesson 8)
Perek 3
A) The Burning Bush (Lesson 9)
B) Three Day Journey (Lesson 10)
Perek 4
Berit Milah in the Hotel (Lesson 11)
Perek 5
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (Lesson 12)
Perek 6
A) “My Name is YHVH” (Lesson 13)
B) Geneaology (Lesson 14)
Perakim 7-11
A) Ten Plagues (Lesson 15)
B) Freewill, Predeterminism, and Pharaoh’s Stubborn Heart (Lesson 16)
Perek 12
A) Pesah Sacrifice (Lesson 17)
B) Silver and Gold Vessels (Lesson 18)
Perek 19
Ma’amad Har Sinai (Lesson 24)